Less Tally Cosmically
Move selected groups of blocks and destroy others, and your potential directions, aiming to finalize the lowest score.
This was a small game jam game with the theme ‘less is more’, where a daily board is avaiable for if you can share and compete with another.Below is a gameplay video, and you can find it here.
My Precious Orbit
A fun little game made for the 1 game a month jam, following its initial release during the Ludum Dare 38 game jam.
It mostly involves managing your momentum both forward and directional in space, and the timing of your single action to make you move intentionally.
Making that momentum management more comfortable was a large part of that revision, because with the amount of testing I’d done with it I underestimated its difficulty/weirdness for new players.Below is a gameplay video, and you can find it here.
Your Time Ends Now
A cool experience where time kills time with timing, for Bolt Jam #4’s theme ‘killing time’, including even a multi stage final boss I was really happy to complete.
Regrettably I never ended up with time to add in sounds or more feedback as you play the game, but it’s still a fun experience I hope you can enjoy.Below is a gameplay video, and you can find it here.